Currently Reading . . .

MadHouse at the End of the Earth by Julian Sancton

This is my third Polar exploration story in the last year.  I am just fascinated by these stories from the end of the 19th century. And so far this one doesn't disappoint.  I can't get over how young some of the protagonist are. Most are in their late 20s. And life was so hard - we are so spoiled and soft now. And how far we have come.  A little over 100 years ago, we had no idea what was at the poles. None. There were also vast swaths of the globe that were unexplored: The Poles, the Amazon, The Congo, etc . . . 

Now, there is little that is unknown on this world.  Little to stimulate the imagination and the drive to discover.  We can only read about that time. Every piece of information is at our fingertips now with just a few clicks.  Not saying that either one is better, they are just different.  And it is good to appreciate how different they are.

Unfortunately, I have a feeling that his this story does not end well.  . . we will see.

Madhouse at the End of the Earth The Belgicas Journey into the Dark Antarctic NightMadhouse at the End of the Earth: The Belgica's Journey into the Dark Antarctic Night by Julian Sancton

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A New Year . . .

It's a new year.  

It's a time for change. I

t's a time for renewal.

Its all of those things and more. Unfortunately, I have gotten off to a slow start with a bout of COVID running through my family.  I have been sick for about 2 weeks, but am finally feeling better. The say Omicrom is "mild" but I would disagree.  It is not as dangerous as the other variants, but I would not call it "mild."  We have been stuck in the house for two weeks. No fun.  

If there was a good thing about being sick in the house, it was that I had a lot of time (when I wasn't feeling terrible) to work on house stuff. We cleaned up a room or two - rooms that have been disorganized for years - and generally started to get it in line for the upcoming year.  we talks about travel plans for this year and made some tentative decisions.  Travel, of course, will continue to be difficult.  But we can still make plans. I also got my home office cleaned up and functional for more work.  

Getting ready for the new year.  I am as optimistic as ever.  Always. 

Dune - well worth it - watching the movie next

Dune Dune 1Dune by Frank Herbert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 to 5 stars. Exceptional book. Especially since it was written over 40 years ago. Original and the story holds up well even today. It is a formula that we are all familiar with: the classic Hero's Journey. As I read this, all I could think of was that this is Star Wars before Star Wars. George Lucas must have read this and used it as inspiration.

I wanted to read the book before I saw the new HBO movie (and I guess series). So that is next. But, I can say, I was aware of this book for many years but did not read it, I can say now that I am glad I did.

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I have had enough . . .


I have have enough of the banning and censorship. We have given these big tech companies a tremendous amount of power.  they know almost everything about us.  They have our likes, hates, habits, and privacy.  We have given this to them freely with the promise to connect to each other.  

And what do they do with all this power . . They restrict us from communicating with each other. They divide us at every opportunity. And they classify us into arbitrary categories with computer algorithms. 

The Internet is Freedom

The internet is freedom and can be again.  There are many capable, open source solutions from companies that are not trying to market to you constantly, gathering and selling your information where you as the product. Ownership is the key.  Dont give up your information. Dont gave up your privacy. Be judicious with the services you chose to use.  Use the ones that treat you best.

Bye Bye Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram

I will be posting here again, and NOT on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. These companies have lost their purpose.  They have fallen victim to the mob. Maybe they will figure out that they are social networks  . . designed to be social and encourage communication, not restrict it. I hope they figure this out, but I don't think they will. 

Find Your Own Voice 

There are many places on the Internet to find your voice. Stop posting on platforms you don't control. Post and comment and communicate on places that you do. You will have better and closer relationships, have full control, and wont get canceled because you wear the wrong hat or say something someone doesn't like.