I have started trying to read more and recently discovered audiobooks. I didnt think I would like audiobooks, but they're quite good. I listen while driving to and from work. Very efficient use if time and keeps me off the news. Typically when I read an ebook or hardback, it's at night just before bed. I often doze off and forget important parts. With an audiobook, I can read it anytime and I am usually focused - driving, walking, exercising.
The one thing I have had to adjust to with audiobooks is the lack of notes. But I'm working on a solution to that. Kindle and Kobo have won the price and note battle for reading, but audiobooks win the convenience battle. Still examining cost issues too. But so far, so good. Will continue to mix up hard covers, ebooks, and audiobooks as I read more.
So far I would recommend Kobo, AudiobooksNow, and Downpour as sources of audiobooks. I am using the Bound app to listen on the phone, mostly because I can fine tune the playback speed. I find that 1.25 is too fast, and 1.0 is too slow. I prefer 1.15-1.2, which I can get on Bound.